Saturday, December 12, 2009


Thank God It's Saturday.

This was a long week. I do not think I hand more the 6 hours in one night. I know that's horrible. My bones were just acing with tiredness all week. On a good note I finished my book. It was quite different, The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. It was one of those books where you find a book you really want to read, but it's checked out so you grab another one by that author. I finished in it a week, returned it Wednesday and got My Sister's Keeper. I'm about a quarter of the way into it now.

Now I will go back to what I'm sure ALL my reading (joking) want to know about, my post from October 10th. I joined the basketball team. I made it my the tips on my finger nails. I started training back in October twice a week. I was going to 1 on 1 with the Varisity coach and assistant coach on Tuesdays and on Thursdays I was going to conditioning with girls that were planning on trying out. I had been running all summer with the thought in the back of me head. I tried out on November 9th-10th. It was a back-braking practice both days. To tell you the truth in my head in every step I took each day in those two hour pain practices I was second guessing every choice I had made to get myself to that point. I was telling myself that I no longer wanted that, that I didn't want to be on the team, I couldn't take 4 months of that. I didn't stop putting my best effort in. By Tuesday night, I was drained. I didn't give a fuck if I made the team or not. I wasn't nervous the slightest bit, until it was my turn to go sit between Coach Faber and Coach Rubing. At the point Amber had gone before me and had informed me that she hadn't made it. They told me about how they had talked and talked about wither or not I should be on the team due to the fact that I hadn't played in years and the other girls had. That they could tell I had talent I just need to sharpen again. They said if I was on the team there wouldn't one on one, that I wouldn't get a lot of playing time, and that there will be some games that I don't get in at all, but as I got better I would play more often. Then Coach Faber asked me if knowing all of that if wanted to me on the team. My hands were shaking when I told me yes. As I stood up they told me jokingly no boys. I had just started dating Levi the night before so a smile filled my face and practically skipped back to the gym door where Mckeena and Christy had cracked the door to see me coming. And that's how I got myself the Grass Lake High School JV Girls Basketball team my sophomore year. Now we stand 4-0, with my season total of 4 points. My hands started shaking again just thinking of it.

Levi was short lived. It was real and it was a relationship but it wasn't a real relationship. All it did was cause me to get a few scratch on my reputation and cause everyone in the school to get there panties in a wrinkle over the odd match. It reminds me of a time with Trevor when he told me about his mom asking him if he like me or the idea of me, and how he asked me the same question and I knew the answer right way because I too had thought of it before. Levi, was the the guy that was a jerk all the time but when it came to you he softened right up and was quiet and not as confident. The guy that said good morning and good night to you, who was a true country boy and was a total hard ass. I liked the idea of Levi, not Levi.

I have all these new things in my life. Yet some night I want the old.

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